Tag before leaving okay sweeties. :D
"When it's real (love), you can't walk away."
- The Vampire Diaries

Let me hear you call my name.
Yep, that's my name. (: The date you need to remember every year is second june, nevermind the age :D I live, I love, I laugh, I cry and I smile, I experience all the emotions everyone does but I'm still pretty unique in my own way (: Someone once told me that "Life's too short to dance with ugly people" and I agree but we must still take time off to enjoy what with have and with people around us. Another date to remember is the 4th July ♥ ^^v
Everything worth reminsicing, ♥ Amo il mio fidanzato.

Tweet like a bird.
    follow me on Twitter

    More than words.
    Tag to be (re)linked

    You know you love me, too.
    Layout is by Cia: (Blog | Acc)
    Icons/banners are from: Stopthetime / Reviviscent respectively.
    Links inspiration are from: Alissa. xoxo
    Give anything, but I won't give up.
    Thursday, May 20, 2010 ; 1:24 AM

    Hello, I miss blogger. (: Just post a short short post here.
    I need to sleep soon. Blogger skin so chio, hmmmm (:

    Imy, yknw tht? Honestly, I do. You play such a big part in my life but you don't know that and I doubt you'll ever know. I stalk your blog every moment I get and I miss being part of your life but I chose this route. I wonder if I'll ever find another just like you, one to love me so passionately and always be there for me. But after the damage is done, I doubt I'll want to inflict more onto you so I don't talk to you anymore. Because your life is all sorts of awesome without me.

    I keep dreaming you'll be with me
    And you'll never know

    Livejournalllllllllll is back. (:
    Saturday, April 10, 2010 ; 12:40 AM
    And it's back to livejournal cause I got a pretty skin for it :D

    We could do freaky things right in the back
    Wednesday, March 31, 2010 ; 8:23 PM

    Please don't cry
    You know I'm leaving here tonight
    Before I go I want you to know that there will always be a light

    And if the moon had to runaway
    And all the stars didn't wanna play
    Don't waste the sun on a rainy day
    The wind will soon blow it all away yeah

    So many times I'd planned
    To be much more than who I am
    And if I let you down I will follow you 'round until you understand

    That if the moon had to runaway
    And all the stars didn't wanna play
    Don't waste the sun on a rainy day
    The wind will soon blow it all away
    yeah oh yeah

    When the days all feel the same
    Don't feel the cold or wind or rain
    Everything will be okay
    We will meet again one day
    I will shine on, for everyone

    So please don't cry
    Although I leave you here this night
    Where ever I may go how far I don't know
    I will always be your light

    Hello. I just screwed everything up. Good bye facebook for now. Dont know when I'll activate my account. For now, it's gone. Not there anymore. I don't want to post anymore stuff to give others the chance to be unhappy with me anymore. I realise, the problem lies within me eh. Cause I just like to go saying everything out when I really should just shut up. Whats done, is done. I can't do anything to change it. Anyway, I need to stop my obsession for natchos manxz ): It's so unhealthy for me. I need to run too! Need to stop procrastinating. (Never really happens though.) Hmm, anyway, since Im gonna stop fb-ing for the time being, I should GET A LIFE. Omg. *hint hint* (: I may be going out for supper later? Hmmm, contemplating. Supper = mahjong. Not really keen on leaving the house seeing how Jack and Sam are already at Ian house ): This means I've to go alone unless Sam comes back and pick me up, which I doubt so. HAHAH. Lol, Im so mean hurrr. Alright, haven't gotten back my blog-a-lot feeling let. So this shall be another short post! I wanna see you move move shake shake now drop (what your momma say) Goodbye worlddd :D

    不能承受 我已无处可躲

    Before I bring it to you make believe.
    Monday, March 29, 2010 ; 7:26 PM

    so tell me what’s the point of fighting? because we’ll all end up with scars. but girl boy if that’s what i must go through, then i’m not prepared to lose. cause i’ve already bled so much for you.

    Here we are, in the best years of our lives
    With no way of knowing, when the
    Wheel stop spinning 'cause
    We don't know where we're going

    And here we are, on the best day of our lives
    And it's a go, lets make it last, so cheers you
    All to that, 'cause this moment's never comin' back

    I used to know her brother
    But I never knew I loved her
    Till the day she laid her eyes on me
    Now I'm jumpin' up and down
    She's the only one around
    And she means every little thing to me

    I've got your picture in my wallet
    And your phone number to call it
    And I miss you more whenever I think about you
    I've got your mixed tape in my walkman
    Been so long since we've been talkin'
    And in a few more days we'll both hook up
    Forever and ever

    And here I am, on the west coast of American
    And I've been tryin' to think for weeks of all the ways to ask you
    And now I've brought you to the place
    Where I've poured my heart out, a million times
    For a million reasons, to offer it to you

    I have absolutely zero idea what I did so yeaaaah. ): Sigh. Im starving. Im tired and hungry. No. I'm Enseilia. Kay, whatever. 4 & 1/2 hrs of sleep in two days. Im awesome. Yeah. Im.... I don't know. ): Im just upset now. Sigh. Anyway, David sent me to school todayy. Picked me up at 4.45 AM. Abcdefggggg. Picked Shaun, Coach Jimmy and Aunty Cat after that. Helped David out w Shaun in the alley till arnd 8? Went for breakfast then went down to continue the thingy we were working on. Did till 12.3o then went to idk where to talk to the supplier for the thingy for U18. Spent 3 & 1/2 hrs thr then went over to another place. Reach back schl at almost 5.30pm Sooooo shagggg. Ohgoshh. Slept thru all the car rides except the one which David was sending his wife Shaun and myself back home. I just tumblr-d like crazy. Whoops. Sorry fb. Heh. I dont know what to do ): Everything is screwed up. I should take the time to rant. Hahaha. Whoosh. I love private blogs. (: See Jac, only you know abt it. But thr's still only that one post from before. ): Sigh. Rant rant rant is all I can do, I hate my life, ): I wanna die alrd. Im sooooo, idk man. ): I have no idea whatthehell did I do soooo yeah. :/ Bear with it is the only option I have I guess? Yup. Haven't seen baby so angry in such a long time. Time to be subtle. Disappear. Lol. Retarded. I wanna blog more like before soon but I haven't gotten back my lappie from cuzzie yet so I've to keep sneaking my sis lappie away to use it, heh. Plus the desktop sucks like whatthebong. Uhwells. Gonna stop blogging alrd! :D
    Goodbye world.

    And we're on fire
    Making our way back from Mars

    I wouldnt even try but I think you could save my life
    Saturday, March 27, 2010 ; 4:05 AM

    In a way, I need a change
    From this burnout scene
    Another time, another town
    Another everything
    But it’s always back to you

    Stumble out, in the night
    From the pouring rain
    Made the block, sat and thought
    There’s more I need
    It’s always back to you
    But I’m good without ya

    Yeah, I’m good without you
    Yeah, yeah, yeah

    How many times can I break till I shatter?
    Over the line can’t define what I’m after
    I always turn the car around
    Give me a break let me make my own pattern
    All that it takes is some time but I’m shattered
    I always turn the car around

    I had no idea that the night
    Would take so damn long
    Took it out, on the street
    While the rain still falls
    Push me back to you

    Im kinda, depressed now? Hahaha. Oh. I took a Personality Disorder Test. This is the results:

    Paranoid Disorder:High
    Schizoid Disorder:Moderate
    Schizotypal Disorder:High
    Antisocial Disorder:Moderate
    Borderline Disorder:Very High
    Histrionic Disorder:Moderate
    Narcissistic Disorder:Moderate
    Avoidant Disorder:Very High
    Dependent Disorder:Very High
    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Moderate

    Screwed up much? Hahaha. Uhwells. So much has been happening, just wanna fuck my life upside down. Im thinking of like, Privating this blog soon for some reason. Cant decide whether I want to or not for now. So yeah. Thinking only. Just hung up the phone w Tauuuu. Hahaha. So, Im blogging! :D Yay. Hahaha Omg. It's 3.48! :D Hehehe. I LURBBBBBEEEE TWITTER MANXZ. (: Thanks for letting me rant twitter. Love you. I should start blogging like normal again. Cant wait. :D Whoosh. OMG Why is everyone asking me if Im bowling NMC or telling me i shld bowl NMC ): pfft. I lousy lah people. ): Oh oh, Im talking to Tau on the phone again! Yay. Hahaha. And currently hooked to "Story of a Girl" Hehehe. Oh wait. That just changed to "Shattered" Heh xD It's 4.11 now. I dont know why Im taking so long to blog a few sentence. But uhwells. I wish I didn't had insecurities. These insecurities, they are killing me. So fucking much. But I still love you. Okay okay. I need to sleep alrd cause Tau needs to, too. Hehehe. Thanks for staying up w me babe. Heart heart! :D I cant put the 2i less than 3u here cause yknw how blogger is. A bitch. Hahah. Plus, I might be going back to my dear beloved LIVEJOURNAL once I get a new hawt skin for it. (: Yupp. Goodnight world.

    & Please get the fuck out of my life because Im such a fucktard and that I fucking hurt people. Thanks for letting me know that. You should know better than anyone else why. But fuck reason. I know I'm a fucking waste of time. Thanks again.

    How many lovers would stay
    Just to put up with this shit day after day

    yeah, I did
    Thursday, March 25, 2010 ; 11:54 PM

    at the end of the day, I'm glad you feel that way. so for now, and for good, our seperate ways we will go.

    'Cause the sun is coming up and oh my god I'm still drunk
    Wednesday, March 24, 2010 ; 2:11 AM

    You think I look the best
    When my hair is a mess
    I can't believe you exist
    I could get used to this

    Because I know you're too good to be true
    I must have done something good to meet you

    'Cause you wrote my name across your hand
    When I freak you understand
    There is not a thing you miss

    And I could get used to this

    I'm feeling it comin' over me
    With you it all comes naturally
    Lost the reflex to resist
    And I could get used to this

    You love the songs I write
    You like the movies I like
    There must be some kind of twist
    But I could get used to this

    Because you listen to me when I'm depressed
    It doesn't seem to make you like me less

    Oh my god. I now have a HUNDRED AND EIGHT apps. Whoosh. Of which 13 are paid apps. They tally up to USD$ 45 :/ DIEDIEDIE. Thankfully, mummy isnt angry :/ Anw, Ive yet to see the doctor. Have put it off for two days. Tiac is gonna call me non stop at 9 till I wake up to see the doctorrrr. Oh man, :/ Less sleep! Oh oh, today was a, talk-to-primary-school-friends day. Talked to Wesley and Zhin Yong today :D Hope to catch up w the rest esp Huan Woon! (: Hmm, Missed Junni too. She's one hyper queen. Hahaha. (: I have a freaking mosquito bite on my lower lip, urgh :/ Im so hungyry manxz :/ At this kinda time. Oh god. Lol. I shld sleep soon. I love my new specs btw! :D Hehehe. I look like a toot cause of the center thingy but uhwells. I still love it. Maybe it'll help me look like a nerd to look smart. HAHAHA omg, PHAILLLL. Im bored. Dont really know what to do anymore. Shall stop blogging alrd.


    In the dark I can't fight till it disapears
    But in the daylight
    I taste you in my tears

    And now the party's over
    And every bodys gone
    I'm left here with myself and I wonder what went wrong
    And now my heart is broken
    Like the bottles on the floor
    Does it really matter?
    Or am I just hungover you?

    Now I've got myself looking like a mess
    Standing alone trying to pretend but no,

    I put up my fight
    But this is it this time (time)
    'Cause I'm here in the end, tryin' to pretend
    Here in the end, tryin' to pretend
    'Cause you have no idea.
    But no worries, like you said, 'It's just plain oh fuckin bullshit.'

    I get so high when you're with me
    But crash and crave you when you leave

    Wondering the streets in a world underneath it.
    Sunday, March 21, 2010 ; 8:04 PM

    First you want to be free
    Now you say you need me

    Giving mixed signals and signs
    It's so hard to let you in
    Thinking you might slam
    The brakes again

    Put the petal down
    Heading out of town
    Gotta make a getaway
    The traffic in my brain's
    Driving me insane
    This is more than I can take

    You tell me that you love me first
    Then throw your heart into reverse
    I gotta getaway

    I can't keep coming back to you
    Everytime you're in the mood

    To whisper something sweet in my ear
    It's so hard to move on
    'Cuz everytime I think you're gone
    You show up in my rearview mirror

    I haven't been blogging in awhile, cause of the competitions and all that staying over at other people house. hardly ever have time to blog hop much less blog eh. anwww, I'm sick again. this feeling sucks, ughh. anw, NAG is over and all I can say is tht I'm rly disappointed in myself. really expected so much more from myself. anw, mummy surprises me! :D guess wht she got for me! yeap, an itouch! (: awesomeee! she wanted to get for me the 64gn one cause I wanted it but she cldnt so she gt for me the 32gb one nvm la, I'm more than happy hehehe. I'm currently watching soccer. I'm so not an avid fan of sports, or bowling, much less soccer. hahaha but it's like, LIVERPOOL vs MAN U!!! omg a must watch hahaha (: I hope Liverpool wins hahaha (oops) no offence though, I'm a Liverpool fan hehehe.

    more than two hours later...

    screw, Liverpool lost ): stupid park ji sung ): sigh. baby lost his bet, heh. but I'm still keepin my promise im sucha nice girlf right? (: yeap. hahah. was talking to andrew earlier. all the nonsense things cone out. wht his class apple friendly. hahaha lol. talked otp for two hoursss! (: happy happy. first time there wasn't so much silence eh (: hah. anw fel is sick too, gosh. both of us the voice zao geng. hahaha. I wanna be the frog ): but fel insists I'm the toad hahaha uhwells. make her happy lah. I shld see a doctor tomorrow :/ my cough is v bad nw. anw, need to thank jack for letting me stay over at his house, last minute. hahaha had a mere 4 hours of sleep. fell asleep in the afternoon. I doubt I'll be able to sleep soon, heh. baby is gonna wake me up tmrw morn to runnnnn. he says I've gained weight, sigh. I don't deny ): nw fat alrd ):

    you have no idea.

    anw, jac cheer up. love you. the person who makes you cry isn't worth it and the one who is, won't make you cry.

    Tell me this love's just a feeling and will pass away

    Why do you like the way regret tastes?
    Wednesday, March 10, 2010 ; 7:34 PM

    Add Video

    You comin with those corny lines
    Cant live without me

    Ill get some flowers for the day that you are buried
    No people make mistakes
    But I just think your ass is fake

    Only thing I want from you is for you to (stay away)

    I said im not coming back its it
    You fooled me once but you cant have that ego turning
    Just to bad for you that when you had me
    Didnt know what to do shes over you

    Cause you had a good girl good girl girl
    Thats a keeper k-k-k-k-keeper
    You had a good girl good girl but
    Didnt know how to treat her t-t-t-t-treat her (treat her)
    So silly boy get out my face (my face)

    Why do you like the way regrets taste?
    So silly boy get out my hair my hair
    (Get outta here)

    No I dont want you no more (get outta here)

    Im bored and feeling a little blaaaaah. Hurr. Idk wht am I gonna post. Just gonna wait for Marc to bathe finish and acc me to play Viwawa since he had to go for dinner and cldn't mj. Cause Fel/ Tiac/ Tau all has trng too anw. I wanna go his house. So frigging cool :D Only some person has been thr before! Hahaha. Shant tease him abt his bff. Hahaha. Im boreddd. Marc better not be sleeping again! D: Im currently addicted to some songs. AHHHH OMG, He fell asleep. Hahahah! LOL! I shall, blog later? Computer lagging like one shackkkk. Uhwells. :/

    Put your hands on my waist, pull the fader
    Run it back with original flavor

    I'll hold you through the night until you smile.
    Tuesday, March 9, 2010 ; 12:12 AM

    I remember what you wore on the first day
    You came into my life
    And I thought hey
    You know this could be something
    Cause everything you do
    And words you say
    You know that it all takes my breath away

    And I am left with nothing

    So maybe its true
    That I cant live without you
    Maybe two is better than one

    There's so much time
    To figure out the rest of my life
    And you've already got me coming undone

    I'm thinking two is better than one

    I remember every look upon your face
    The way you roll your eyes
    The way you taste
    You make it hard for breathing
    Cause when i close my eyes and drift away
    I think of you and everything's okay
    I'm finally now believing

    The past few days have been awesome, I swear (: Life has been so much easier and lighter on me. At least rlshp wise. Been rly rly happy these few days. (: And I, I just forgot what I wanted to type because I went to switch back on the modem my sister switched off -.- Oh oh, I need a job. But even if I got it, I wldn't be able to get my iTouch in time ): Sighhhh. Cause IT fair is this Thursd till this Sund! ): Sad sad sad. Ahhh, Im clueless about what to blog about ): Im so boredddd. I wanted to call him earlier but aiyahhhh. Just as the phone started to ring, I received a text from him saying he was gonna sleep so aiyah, forget itttt. But he was being such a dear ystd so yeahhh. (: Consoled me because smtg happened, cried my eyeballs out and he stayed up w me till past 1am to make sure I was okay despite him being so tired because he is such a pig who loves sleep more than me. Hahaha. Anwww. I shall spamm pictures. :D

    Baby, I love you. Very much. You're my drug, my favourite addiction I'll never rid.

    Because you make me believe in myself when no one else could help.

    And the taxi man turn on the radio.
    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 ; 12:59 AM

    Do you come here much?
    I swear I've seen your face before
    You don't see me blush
    but I cant help to want you more more
    Baby tel me whats youre story?
    I ain't shy, don't you worry
    I'm flirting with my eyes
    I wanna leave with you tonight
    do you come here much?
    I've gotta see your face some more
    (some more Cause baby I)

    I'll never be the same
    If we ever meet again
    Won't let you get away
    If we ever meet again
    This free fall's got me me so
    kiss me all night,
    don't ever let me go
    Ill never be the same
    if we ever meet again

    I haven't been blogging much, in a sense my posts are pretty short nowadays. It's no exception this time either. Heh :D I've screwed things up a lot but uhwells! Tmrw, meeting Ian and Maybelline for lunch then heading over to TP to submit our package :D yay, awesome. Finally wont be late? Just edited my blogskin again. I got go fed up though. I really dont like Naviation blog but uhwells. :/ Ive been getting mosquito bites of late ): and Im damn sad cause it's leaving all these bited marks plus blood spots? Idk. Lol. ): I hate my legs now ): My cough is back too, urgh ): Hope all the red dots which comes out cause i scratch my leg goes away asap! It looks soooo, gross :/ Its past 1am and Im eating ): im so bloody phuckkkking fat ): Sigh. Enseilia Enseilia, stop eating, start exercising! I can transform ya, anything you want I can transform ya. So addictive, tht song :D Gtg sleep soon so yeaaaap! :D I NEED TO STOP SCRATCHING ): Goodnight world.

    Be there, never gonna leave you
    Say that you wanna be with me too

    Today was a fairytale, I wore a dress, You wore a dark grey T-shirt
    Friday, February 26, 2010 ; 11:06 PM

    ‘Cause someday maybe
    Somebody will love me like I need
    And someday I won’t have to prove
    ‘Cause somebody will see
    all my worth but until then
    I’ll do just fine on my own
    With my cigarettes
    And this old dirt road

    Tomorrow. Im going out. Yay! :D Sorry Sam! Im more interested in gg out and having my awesome dinner than prawning. :D I want V.D Episodes 11-13! ): Jaclyn! This is your fault. You got me hooked onto 'em ): Anw, wish you cld come tmrw ): Wld be a great time w you. Anw babe, cheer up. Rmb. Im gonna be here for you thru it all, I promise. Whatever decision you choose to take, I'll be here supporting you thru it all. Follow your head or heart, ultimately it's your choice. Whatever it is, yknw I'll be here at the end of the day (: Love you. Shall sleep soon. I think I will look weird in a dress ): Uhwells. JACLYNNNN TMRW PICTUREEEE!. S ON SUNDAY TOO (:
    Goodnight worldd.

    P.s. those in obs, have fun :D

    I close my eyes and drift away
    I think of you and everything's okay

    My heart, it pounds. Yeah, you got me.
    Wednesday, February 24, 2010 ; 3:44 PM

    Where do we go from here?
    How do we carry on?

    I can't get beyond the questions.
    Clambering for the scraps
    in the shatter of us collapsed.

    It cuts me with every could-have-been.

    Pain on pain on play, repeating
    With the backup makeshift life in waiting.

    Everybody says time heals everything.
    But what of the wretched hollow?
    The endless in-between?
    Are we just going to wait it out?

    There's nothing to see here now,
    turning the sign around;
    We're closed to the Earth 'til further notice.
    A Stumbling cliche case,
    crumbled and puffy faced.
    Dead in the stare of a thousand miles.

    Im bored so I just thought I'll posts a few sentences :D Heheh. Yay! You got your phone back! :DDD Yay, me and_ are talking again! :D Awesome muccccch. Loves. Hahaha. Im hungry. Pineapple tarts are so bloody tempting. I finally received my stupeeed Enrollment Package from TP today. I've till 8th march for everything to be submitted -.- Including all the 3/5 working days required for it to be done. Pfft. thats like, 28th Feb then. Today is the 24th. I have FOUR DAYS left. Pfft. Screw TP! Gonna go get it done tmrw, hopefully :/ Sigh. Gonna dinner w the Usuals at OCC cause majority of them are having trng 7-9. Hope yx doesnt flip when she sees me due to a burst of rage and anger. ;/ Shall stop here! needa batheeee. Toodles. (:
    Tonight, Imma fight
    Til we see the sunlight

    & It cuts me with every could-have-been.
    Monday, February 22, 2010 ; 9:51 PM

    Heaven, a gateway, a hope
    Just like a feeling I need, it's no joke

    And though it hurts me to see you this way
    Betrayed by words
    , I'd never heard, too hard to say
    Up, down, turn around
    Please don't let me hit the ground
    Tonight I think I'll walk alone
    I'll find my soul as I go home

    Each way I turn, I know I'll always try
    To break this circle that's been placed around me
    From time to time, I find I've lost some need
    That was urgent to myself, I do believe

    Oh, you've got green eyes
    Oh, you've got blue eyes
    Oh, you've got grey eyes
    And I've never seen anyone quite like you before
    No, I've never met anyone quite like you before

    Bolts from above hurt the people down below
    People in this world, we have no place to go

    Oh, it's the last time
    Oh, I've never met anyone quite like you before
    Oh no, I've never met anyone quite like you before


    Is he hot, or what? (: Anyway! CANNOT WAIT FOR TMRW- F&C W KL AND MJ @ SAM'S :) My dear, if you're reading this, this is the hot ass guy :D Hahaha. I cannot wait to Adam and Nicholas. So frigging cuteeee :D Hehehe. But oh, how I miss you so, you know I do, more than words can say. (: Wheeeee. Im on a crazy spree these few days, Idk why. But all i know, Kpop has gotten to my head! Tae Yang/T.O.P! <3>

    All I want, only one street-level miracle.
    I'll be a an out-and-out, born again from none more cynical.

    And I can't breathe without you but I have to.
    ; 10:30 AM

    Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt.
    Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.
    But people are people,
    And sometimes it doesnt work out,
    Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out.

    It's been awhile since I last blogged, yes? Yes. There's definitely ups and downs in my everyday life, and seriously, I'm pretty sick and tired of the downs. I need S now. But apparently, he has no phone, so I heard (or rather, read) from facebook on his profile. Im gonna die soon. Sorry I cant keep my promise. Im so sick of, my life. It's sucking so bad, I wish life just ceased to exist from this point. My life, at least. I can't breathe anymore. Emo? Nah, just feelings I have about life inside. If I could control my life and emotions, my life'd be PERRRRRFECT. How awesome it that? Anyway, past few days have been out and gambling. Heh, (: Uhwells. I kept drawing money for Idk wht reasons D: Then I kept drawing money to gamble. :/ Uhwells. At one point in time at Cp's house, I had less than 30 bucks in my wallet but when leaving to Tiac's house, I had 150+ in my wallet! :D Yay. Then went Fel's hoouse and lost moneyyyy. Sad. Hurr. Today was wayyyy too tired to get out of bed and go to class. End up waking up arnd, lets see, 3.10pm earlier, heh. I changed back my watch anyway! But I've a feeling I wont get used to having a digital watch with the date ): Uhwells. Better get used to this watch again then! (: I'm so screwed cause I do not have Tau's notes anymore. Awesome. She needs it back, pronto. Die ttm manxz :/ I shall, blog again later. Youtube is doing it's job of entertaining me.

    Cause every time you smile, I smile
    And every time you shine, Ill shine for you

    'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't comin' back.
    Monday, February 15, 2010 ; 3:02 AM

    It’s a long shot but I say why not
    If I say forget it, I know that I’ll regret it
    It’s a long shot, just to beat these odds
    The chance is we won’t make it
    But I know if I don’t take it, there’s no chance
    ‘Cause you’re the best I’ve got
    So take the long shot

    Hello blogger again. I love htmls! (: It's time for me to sleep soon seeing I've to be up arnd 9 tmrw. Urgh, 6 hours of sleep again? Yup. Goodnight world. Hopefully I find enough time to blog on both blogger and lj (:

    & Tonight I miss you 'cause you're not here with me.

    amanda anchal bs anchal lj angela angelene audrey lee audrey tan azri cheryl cheney darius denise dianne dyana elaina elvina farah fudin gareth georgina grace ilma ira isabelle jaclyn janice jazreel joleen jonathan kimberly ooi krista kymberly lay teng marc michelle mylene peishan phelycia phelycia sabrina sam lim sam sam sarah sheena stacey weijun weining yanling yingxin yinjie yunzhen yunzhen